Entries by Eutimio Cirulli

Guarded car park in Italy

Guarded car park in Italy Guarded car park in Italy provides the presence of two different types of structures: Some large private professional companies operating in large structures And a large amount of small local car parks operators. Guarded car park in Italy in large structures Guarded car park in Italy in large structures is […]

LTZ Rome

LTZ Rome The first limited traffic zone  in Rome was established on the 16th of November , 1995 and was called LTZ Centro Storico. The creation of this area  has three main purposes: the preservation of the historical and archaeological heritage of the Eternal City the improvement of weather conditions burdened by strong indicators of […]

Where to Park in Rome

Where to park in Rome is a question that many of us say when we get close to our destination. And just there, when we arrive at our home, our work or a place we attend during leisure time that the  question where to park in Rome find the most creative solutions.  Infact finding parking […]

Forte Portuense

Forte Portuense è una delle quindici strutture militari, costruite  tra il 1877 ed il 1891 a difesa di Roma, dopo che la stessa divenne Capitale del Regno di Italia. Il complesso di tutte le edificazioni tra Forti e batterie venne denominato campo trincerato. Infatti dopo l’entrata del regio esercito attraverso la “Breccia di Porta Pia” […]

The San Giovanni District

The  San Giovanni District is one of the historic neighborhood  of Rome. Although commonly Roman citizens call it the San Giovanni District actually the official name of the neighborhood is Appio Latino district and was established May 24, 1926 during its building expansion. This cliché is due to the presence on its territory of the […]

Scuola Allievi Carabinieri Roma

Una delle Scuole Carabinieri più dure e prestigiose è ospitata nella Caserma Capitano Orlando De Tommaso, in un imponente costruzione inaugurata ad Ottobre del 1885. Questo grandioso edificio sorge tra Via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa e Via delle Milizie, a pochissimi passi dal Centro Storico di Roma e nel cuore del quartiere Prati tra Piazza […]

Parking Rome blue lines

The blue lines are a mechanism of  parking’s charging on the street introduced in Europe in the early 80′ to redress the ever increasing demand for parking in residential areas, especially in the city’s main attractions. Theoretically, in fact, the blue stripes increase the availability of parking, limiting the passive stopover, as the cars park […]

Vatican Museums information

The Vatican Museums are the fifth most visited museum complex in the world, inside it is exposed collections of works of art collected over the centuries by various popes. The average of daily visitors is 30 thousand daily accesses. Especially during high season (Christmas, Easter and Spring) it is easy  to find long lines at […]

Rome Roads Traffic Ztl Metro Station and Parking

Rome Roads Traffic  Ztl  Metro Station and Parking , everything you need to know when you arrive in the city by car. Rome is served by an important motorway called A90, known as well Grande Raccordo Anulare (G.R.A), that run similar to a circle  the city: http://www.roma-o-matic.com/gra.php3 Three other motorways are connected with the G.R.A; the […]

Nuovi parcheggi Car Sharing a Roma

I nuovi parcheggi Car Sharing a Roma sono 8 : tre si trovano nel VII Municipio, in Via La Spezia 48, Via Appia Nuova 153 e a Piazza Tuscolo 28; altri tre nell’XI Municipio e rispettivamente in piazza Meucci 8, a Piazza Augusto Righi 18 e Piazza della Radio 37. Gli ultimi due nel XV […]